Love and relationships. the two go hand in hand. It's a very easy thing to say, "I love you", but it's a lot harder to do, especially when it can bring out both the best and worst in a person. The key I've learned, is to find out why that worst is coming out on the other person. It's been said, you never really know someone till you live with them. What is it that happens to two people who fall in love that can start out so good then turn out so bad? Perhaps we become so comfortable that eventually all that stuff that's inside begins to surface and if not maintained and taken care of will begin to erode the relationship. We all have baggage that we need to open up and take care of so that it can stop burdening us and those we love.


Romans 7:18 says, For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature for I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out." Even Paul, who wrote a third of the New Testament by the inspiration of God, recognized his need for help. I might ask, "If this man is able to acknowledge the inner struggle between good and evil within himself before all who read this, can we?"

Perhaps this is the first step. Acknowledging the struggle then reaching out for help. God is very aware of our need, and He promises that, if you humble yourselves before the LORD He will lift you up. James 4:10 It's why we need Jesus<3 The only one who has never sinned yet took the punishment for the sin of the world upon himself so that those who believe in him will be saved. Saved from eternal separation from our Creator God because of our inner sin.


Pray about it and ask God to help you confess all that He shows you. Take care of it and make things right between you and your Creator so you can learn to love in a healthy way.

Laura Lawrence
CEF of MB Discovery Time Director

Laura Lawrence