The Gospel Tent will be traveling around to different fairs and festivals here in Manitoba, in the place of the Chapel-on-Wheels. We are really looking forward to seeing this ministry grow and expand, not just to fairs, but also going out to beaches and parks – anywhere there are children.

The focus of this tent is evangelism. The colours of the tent itself are the colours of the Wordless Book.

The gold/yellow at the top of the tent reminds us of Heaven, where there is a street of gold. Heaven is also the place where God lives. God is Holy and loves us very much.

The dark colour reminds us of our sin, and how it separates us from God.

Red reminds us of Jesus, how He took our punishment for our sins. That He bled and died to save us.

When we receive Jesus as our Saviour, He makes our lives clean – cleaner even than the white on the tent! Praise God!

Then there is some green right at the bottom. This reminds us that just like grass and trees and flowers grow, we need to grow to become more like Christ each day.

Children will be able to come to the tent and hear the Gospel using these colours. There will also be activities inside the tent, such as face-painting, balloon animals and more!

We are always looking for more workers to go with the Gospel Tent. In summer 2017, we were unable to continue this ministry, due to a lack of volunteers. If you are interested in the opportunity to coordinate the plans for Gospel Tent next summer, please send your cover letter and resume to IBK at

CEF Manitoba

179 Henderson Hwy

Winnipeg MB

R2L 1L5
