partner with 5-DAY CLUBS
Reach the unchurched kids in your neighborhood with the gospel through our 5-day Club program. A 5-Day Club is an evangelistic neighborhood Bible Club for children. It is held in a Christian home, church, community center, school, etc. They can also be outdoors in parks, school yards, or even someone’s backyard.
Host a 5-Day Club in your church, home or community this summer.
Encourage your Church members to host a 5-Day Club in their neighborhood thereby reaching unchurched kids.
Sponsor a 5-Day club today - 1 Club = $500
Pray for the clubs happening in the various parts of the province of Manitoba.
Wanna Give
Wanna Give 〰️

partner with CREw
CREW (Christian Youth in Action) are young adults and youth who serve with the ministry of CEF teaching the 5-Day Club program. Partner with us to equip, encourage and mentor the youth in this generation to be strong leaders and voices for the kingdom of God .
Encourage the youth/ young adults to serve as summer missionaries
Support local summer students who serve as crew financially
Volunteer drivers are always needed
Donate towards food for summer missionaries (crew) and other summer costs - Transportation & Training.
Raise each CREW in prayer as they choose to serve God this summer.
partner with discovery time
CEF partners with more than 200 volunteers in taking the Gospel to the children of Manitoba.
Are you a church, parent/grandparent, or business? Partner with us to have Religious Instruction in every elementary school in Manitoba.
ADOPT-A-SCHOOL in prayer, choose a public school in your community to pray for and support with finances
Assist in collating signatures for schools in your community.
Encourage members to volunteer to teach a DT program.
Promote DT in your Church and the importance of having religious instruction in schools.
Wanna Give
Wanna Give 〰️

Thank you for championing this worthy charge to bring the word of God to children through the Mail. Children love getting mail and rewards as they climb the milestone and grow in His word.
Giving a gift TODAY helps cover the cost of printing, postage and rewards/books for the children enrolled in the Mailbox Club/TruthChasers program. Support financially.
Enroll your Sunday School kids in a TCC discipleship program.
Reach children in your neighborhood through a Canada Post Mass Mailout
Volunteer as a lesson corrector in our office for the Truth Chasers Club