Do you ever have those times when it seems like everything, or everyone is against you? When no matter how much you try it seems to blow up right in front of you! It can be crushing to the point of walking away and just wanting to leave it all behind. Well, I understand. It happens from time to time and just happens to be Biblical. Proverbs 17:3 says,
  the refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, but the LORD tests the hearts. 

God doesn't waste a thing. Trying times do come. It's how we decide to deal with it that makes all the difference. 

One thing I've learnt over the years is to ask the LORD, What do you want me to learn from this? Something always comes to mind. For eg. I am the type of person that wants to understand what I’m hearing so automatically I think others do too. In doing so I tend to ask lots of questions because I want to make a thorough decision, but do you know people don't always want to be asked? Sometimes callus and disengaged responses have left me to feel misunderstood or unheard which then causes me to disengage in return. You see, there is a reason for why people react the way they do, and I've learnt that the only way that can change is if I learn more about myself and maybe work on my approach. 


To be refined is the process of unwanted elements and impurities being removed. Like what happens when metal is held in the fire till its impurities are surfaced so they can be removed as described in Malachi 3:3 The only way that happens is to go through the fire (the trials) and let the heat begin to reveal & cleanse away all the dross (the unhealthy reactions). Notice it is a process. It won't happen overnight, but when we stop and reflect on what's happening and choose to examine ourselves prayerfully before the LORD, He begins to reveal something we just didn't see before.


Pray and ask Him to reveal what you need to see then ask the Holy Spirit to help you begin to put into practice a new and better response. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10

 Laura Lawrence
CEF of MB Discovery Time Director



Laura Lawrence